15 февраля 2010 резюме #153825 в избранное
Резюме не обновлялось более месяца

programmer Харьков

мужчина 43 года

Опыт работы

  • Experience: 2002-2003 – laboratory assistant in the university.

    2003-2004 –RIT Company. Position – Radio schemes designer.
    Designing of fire alarm system for basic stations of UMC Company.

    2004-2005 – Kharkov National University of Radio and Electronics, department of Radio-Electronic Systems. Position – Research worker.
    - Designing of high-speed modems SHDSL;
    - Designing of principal scheme of modems;
    - Tracing of circuit boards in PCAD2002;
    - Designing and tuning of impulsive PSUs.
    - Programming of PLM (AHDL language)

    2005-2009 – Altron Company. Position – Engineer.
    - Designing of principal scheme and tracing of circuit board of the protected mobile phone (confidential mobile communication);
    - Tracing of circuit boards in PCAD2002, Expedition Flow2005
    - Programming of micro controllers from the AVR family (Assembler and C languages, AVR Studio environment), ARM7 (C language, Crosswork environment), Cortex M3 (C language, IAR environment).


  • Kharkov National University of Radio and Electronics, Radio-Technical faculty. Specialist in Broadcasting and television equipment

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