28 января 2008 резюме #96012 в избранное
Резюме не обновлялось более месяца

маркетолог, представитель в греции Москва

женщина 49 лет

Опыт работы 5 лет

  • 2005-2007 Linguistic centre “Green Window”
    Duties involved: marketing and PR-actions
    2005-2007 Supermarket chain “SPAR”
    Duties involved: marketing and advertising champagne, developed a package program for a new hair product, assisted creative services in the redesign of new package for various products, worked directly with advertisers to significantly increase the sales
    2005-2007 English, Greek and German teacher, private gymnasium of
    St.Olga, Kostroma
    Duties involved: teaching, staging kids’ theatre plays in English, organizing English culture club for teenagers.

    1997-2007 Private language tutoring,
    2006-2007 Linguistic centre “Green Window”, Kostroma, Russia,
    Duties involved: book-keeping, providing corporate English language training for multinational companies like, “StoraEnsoForestWest”, “Foria”, “NestleWaters”, motel “Azimut” in business English and Russian as well as intensive course of English; English for children and grown-ups;
    Providing team-building sessions in English for groups of grown-ups.
    1997-2004 Private linguistic centre “Bakirdzis”, Komotini, Greece

    2004-2005 English and German teacher, Kostroma private secondary
    school of economics
    Duties involved: teaching, staging kids’ theatre plays in English.

    1997-2004 Interpreter and translator, translation office in Komotini,
    Duties involved: English, Russian and Greek translations

    1993-1997 English speaking tour guide, Kostroma travel agency
    “Intourist”, Sovetskaya, 56
    Duties involved: providing guided tours for foreigners, obtaining hotel vouchers, booking trips to other cities, organizing entertainment for guests.


  • : 2004-2007 BA in Marketing, Management
    Kostroma State University, Institute of Economics,
    1992-1997 BA major English and minor German
    and Pedagogic, Kostroma State University,
    1982-1992 Kostroma High school Num.11
    2006 a 2-month course on Team-building
    2004 Certificate of Proficiency in English, Cambridge University, grade “A”
    2004 Certificate of Proficiency in Greek, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, grade “A”
    2004 Teacher’s license, from Komotini Education department
    1994 Tour guide License

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